Process Mapper

Process Mapper allows you to map out several steps in your process in a structured manner.


Each step in the process can have it’s own icon, label & color. This way you can visualise it any way you want. For example to show the progress in your process.

Who? Define the roles before duplicating

First start with defining the roles you will need during the process, than duplicate the step so you don’t have to add the roles over and over again.


Now discuss with your team the responsibilities for each role.

More info

What? When? Where?

Define what you will do in this step of the process, when you will start doing it and how long. And where the information or action will take place.


In the how section you can add tasks for each of the roles that will be necessary to finish this step before going to the next phase of the process.

Free vs paid?

In the paid version you can add extra roles, links and select a different theme.