Give your stakeholders an interactive walkthrough with smooth animations


Free version

  • 5 views per walkthrough

Pro version

  • Unlimited views per walkthrough
  • Customize the transition speed, style, easing and delay
  • Add messages to your views
  • Pay once, use forever


Adding views

  • Add views from your current location on the page
  • Add views connected to the elements on the page
  • You can add multiple connected views at once
  • You can also add multiple elements in one connected view as a group

Updating views

  • Easily update, sort and delete views
  • Double click to rename
  • Auto deletes views connected to elements when they are deleted from the page

Pro features

  • Customize the transition speed, style, easing and delay of each view
  • Add messages that will appear during your


Privacy policy

  • This plugin tracks minimal usage data to optimize features and performance. No personal data is being tracked.