Tripma – Flight booking web app

Figma Resource


Tripma is a complete design system with all of the components and styles you might need to recreate the web app designs or designs of your own.

All of the components are built using Auto Layout (version 3 released November 19th, 2020), and Variants.

Variants and Interactive Components

Tripma has been updated to use Interactive components when prototyping with the variants for the included component sets. Check them out by hovering and clicking the checkboxes, radio buttons, toggle switches, buttons, table rows, and seat selection UI.

Want to learn how to build your own Interactive Components? Go to the “Interactive components tutorial page”, watch our

video tutorial

, and read our

Help Center


Auto Layout

This file uses components built with Auto Layout v3. Figma’s Product Education team is planning to create video tutorial on our

YouTube channel

using this file to teach Auto Layout. Subscribe to our

YouTube channel

to be notified when they are published!

Learn more about the thought process for version 3 of Auto Layout from this

Config talk

from our product team.

Learn more about

Auto Layout on our Help Center
