Pattern Hero enables you to place selected elements or frames in a grid to create patterns.

Things you can do with Pattern Hero:
⦿ Re-organize all your elements in a NxM grid with optional padding
⦿ Shuffle and repeat elements to form a pattern
⦿ Create patterns by selecting any components and Pattern Hero will create instances of the selection instead of cloning the components. This allows you to easily tweak the master component to see the created pattern change accordingly

How to work:
• Select an element or a group of elements which you want to organize or place them in a grid
• Open up Pattern Hero, add the appropriate rows and columns
• Choose to repeat or shuffle the elements
• Hit Create Pattern and BAM!

[x] Allow option to Group/Ungroup created pattern
[x] Create instances if a component is repeated
[ ] Templates – Allowing you to create various types of patterns like placing elements in different positions etc. Eg: Confetti – Making elements go bonkers.

This plugin is open sourced:

If you have any issues or suggetions, hit me up on twitter(@nitinrgupta) or create an issue here: